
忍無可忍就無須再忍, Red Hat 決定不再維護 git.centos.org

Red Hat’s commitment to open source: A response to the git.centos.org changes

Simply rebuilding code, without adding value or changing it in any way, represents a real threat to open source companies everywhere. This is a real threat to open source, and one that has the potential to revert open source back into a hobbyist- and hackers-only activity.

Red Hat 對這堆只想要蹭免費 RHEL 卻不想貢獻的 distro 還有 user 已經忍耐到極限了, 以後只有買產品的才有 source code, 當然這也符合當初 open source 的定義. 至於被當成免費的散佈出去則是 GPL virus 造成的問題.

就像 Richard Stallman 說的, free software 可不是 free beer, 事實上 Red Hat 並沒有錯, 它們仍然會 submit 到 CentOS stream, 只是不會讓人免費蹭 RHEL 而已.

想要繼續靠 Rocky Linux 或是 AlmaLinux 繼續蹭 RHEL 的還是趕快放棄吧... 這兩個 distro 停掉大概只是時間的問題而已...

