
RedHat 賜死 CentOS, 所以 SUSE 決定要花錢搞一個 RHEL clone 出來...


SUSE Preserves Choice in Enterprise Linux by Forking RHEL with a $10+ Million Investment | SUSE

Today SUSE, the company behind Rancher, NeuVector, and SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) and a global leader in enterprise open source solutions, announced it is forking publicly available Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and will develop and maintain a RHEL-compatible distribution available to all without restrictions. Over the next few years, SUSE plans to invest more than $10 million into this project.

SUSE 自己就有一套企業級的 SUSE Linux Enterprise 了...所以這到底在幹嘛?

2 則留言:

  1. 應該是想花錢拉攏某些社群的人...或是名聲?

  2. 然後 SUSE 這個新 CEO 是今年 5 月上任的, 之前在 RedHat 待了快 20 年, 所以真的完全看不懂他想幹嘛...
